Guess What Happens This Year?

My book comes out. That's what happens this year.


I know - I can hardly believe it myself. But it's the first thing I thought when midnight struck on December 31 and the New Year rolled in.

Every time people ask me when my book comes out, I still say, "Fall of next year," almost on automatic. Then I have to correct myself: "No, no, I mean September. It comes out in September." Then my eyes bug out, and I have to take deep breaths. Because that means, months. I will get to hold my book in my hand in MONTHS. Other people will get to read it even sooner than that. 

I'm trying not to think about it too much.

*resists the impulse to go to and see if Always Neverland is up there yet*
Besides, it's not like I don't have plenty of stuff to do before then. Plenty of book-marketing related stuff. Though it is about that time of year, these are not New Year's resolutions. They are goals, and I will now share them with you: :-)
  1. Blog more regularly. (Yes, I know that I've been neglectful in the past few months. *hangs head bashfully*) Goal = once a week, or four times a month.
  2. Create other pages besides just these posts, so it feels like a real website, not just a blog. (Must write a bio...must write a real bio and not just blab about myself to my editor's assistant over the phone, which is what happened last fall...)
  3. Join either Twitter or Tumblr. I know everybody's on "the Twitter" as Betty White calls it in You Again. But how about Tumblr? I hear good things. I see pretty things, like pretty pretty pics and cool quotes. That may be the place for me.
  4. Try not to bite my nails every time I think about what the cover will look.....Ahem, okay, maybe this doesn't need to be on the list, but it's a good reminder. :-)
There we go: quality tasks that will do their part to distract me from the upcoming EVENT. And now that I've posted them, I'm three times as likely to actually accomplish them. Hurray!