About Me

Official Bio

(If you're a kid researching me for book reports, use this one!)

Zoe Barton grew up in Charlotte, North Carolina, and graduated from Vassar College. After working in publishing for a year, she left New York City to write full-time. She currently divides her time between North Carolina, Montana, and Oregon. This is her first novel.

A Few More Things You Might Not Know About Me:

In the last ten years, I have lived in a bunch of places:
    1. Charlotte, North Carolina
    2. Wiscasset, Maine
    3. Poughkeepsie, New York
    4. Oxford, England, U.K.
    5. New York City, New York
    6. Big Sky, Montana
    7. Portland, Oregon
      (Sadly, I have never lived in Neverland.)

      It's a family myth that we have gypsy blood, and after looking at this list, it seems to be true.

      I like to write all my first drafts longhand. It helps me not get distracted by the internet. That means almost every word of Always Neverland was handwritten before it was typed.

      Unlike Ashley (the main character in Always Neverland), I'm actually pretty good at sewing, cooking, and embroidering. My great-grandmother taught me. (She wasn't a Wendy-girl, but she could've been.) For instance, I sewed my very own quilt in seventh grade, and many years later, I knitted a quilt for my great-grandmother for Christmas.

      I can't actually fly. Okay, okay - I guess you already guessed that.

      But I could whistle before I could walk. When I was six months old, my mom took me into the doctor for a routine check-up. When she told him I could whistle, he didn't believe her. So, Mom said, "Watch this." Then she whistled - one long, low note, and I whistled it right back at her. The doctor was so impressed that he stuck his head out the door and called to all the nurses in the hall, "You have to see this!"

      Of course, I forgot how by the time I hit preschool. When I learned how to whistle for a second time as a third-grader, my mom was unimpressed. Then she told me this story.

      I'm so glad you came to visit my website, and I would be delighted to meet you! Please stop by my Contact Page and say hi!